World creators: Yunxin Fan, Megan Cansfield, Maria J Espona, and Aron Mill.
Sofía lives in a walkable city and starts her day by noticing a faded peace sign drawing on a community art wall, which reminds her of past calls for using one's voice through V.O.I.C.E., a system now integrated into society. V.O.I.C.E. has improved local collaboration and national decisions on humanoid robot regulations. Sofía, a single mother of two, supports these technologies, which help in household chores and education.
Sofía works as a Calibrator, setting up GR (general-purpose) robots. Today, she calibrates a GR for Juana, an elderly woman with a broken arm. Sofía connects with Juana over tea, learns about her plant care needs, and then tests the robot's functions. She guides the robot through specific tasks, including tidying up and cooking a traditional lentil stew, adding a personal touch by teaching it to snap at the end.
On her walk home, Sofía suggests adding public drinking fountains through V.O.I.C.E., quickly garnering community support. At home, she engages with her family’s private V.O.I.C.E. channel, planning a get-together and enjoying shared videos. Before ending her day with board games, she checks her Social Compass, a complex, artistic display of her social and civic engagements, contrasting it with the simpler political compasses of her youth.
To read the full story of Sofía's day, visit: