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Floratech 2045

In 2045 everyone's voice contributes to an emergent global choir!
The drawn peace-, or V-hand-sign encourages people to make use of their voice. through V.O.I.C.E.
Sofiá calibrating a new General Robot care-unit to their new environment.
This future value-compass indicates the thousands of preferences of a single human.


In the world of 2045, a network of bounded AI agents, imbued with robust ethical constraints and specialized capabilities, has become the backbone of a thriving, harmonious global society. These AI collaborators have unlocked unprecedented possibilities for localized, sustainable production of goods and services, empowering communities to meet their needs through advanced manufacturing technologies and smart resource allocation. 

AI has also transformed the fabric of democracy, providing robust tools for aggregating citizen preferences, facilitating informed decision-making, and holding leaders accountable. By complementing human judgment and leveraging the wisdom of the crowd, AI has helped create a more transparent, participatory, and responsive model of governance. 

Freed from the constraints of scarcity and empowered by AI-enhanced institutions, humanity has entered a new era of creativity, cooperation, and progress. Global challenges like inequality, climate change, and disease are being tackled head-on through the combined power of human ingenuity and artificial intelligence. As we stand on the cusp of interplanetary exploration, there is a palpable sense of optimism and wonder at what lies ahead. In this world, technology is not an end in itself, but a means to unlocking our highest potential and building a future of shared abundance and discovery. 

Existential Hope Vision

What makes this future a desirable outcome for humanity?

In our Existential Hope vision for 2045, a network of controlled and beneficial AI agents has fostered global peace by enabling nation-state disarmament and promoting international cooperation. These AI systems have also facilitated the widespread adoption of decentralized renewable energy sources, such as cheap solar and nuclear power, replacing unsustainable practices, reshaping local economies, and reducing poverty. Simultaneously, advancements in synthetic biology have led to breakthroughs in reversing ageing and enhancing human well-being, while innovative technologies have been deployed to combat global warming effectively. Universal Basic Services, managed by a global AI infrastructure, ensure that essential needs are met for all, while atomically precise manufacturing and "generally intelligent" bounded AI assistants have greatly enhanced productivity across various sectors. Expanded community services have promoted social cohesion, and nations now cooperate within a stable global order, fostering stability and mutual understanding. Furthermore, revolutionary battery and fusion technologies have transformed the energy landscape, significantly reducing environmental impact. A Universal Basic Income system, tied to global GDP, has been implemented to ensure economic stability and equity for all. This future offers peace, prosperity, and the flourishing of both human and non-human intelligence, nurturing a balanced and thriving global community that has successfully overcome existential threats.

Top 3 goals of the world:

  • The development and governance of controlled and beneficial AI, along with other emerging technologies, to ensure their safe and ethical use for the  betterment of humanity. This goal reflects our society's commitment to harnessing the transformative potential of technology in a responsible and inclusive manner, prioritizing the well-being of all people and the planet. 
  • The establishment of decentralized, renewable, accessible, and affordable energy systems worldwide, promoting sustainability and reducing inequality. This goal embodies our society's values of environmental stewardship, social justice, and equitable access to resources and opportunities, recognizing that a sustainable and fair energy system is crucial for achieving a thriving and resilient future. 
  • The localized production of essential goods and services, fostering community resilience, self-sufficiency, and participatory decision-making. This goal reflects our society's emphasis on empowering individuals and communities, promoting a more decentralized and democratic model of organization, and nurturing a sense of connection, collaboration, and shared responsibility for shaping our collective future.

These goals, taken together, demonstrate our society's holistic vision of progress - one that seeks to align technological advancement with social and environmental well-being, while centering the agency and dignity of every individual and community.

Significant challenges that this world must overcome:

  • Establishing effective AI governance frameworks and international cooperation to ensure the safe, transparent, and accountable development and deployment of AI systems, while preventing potential misuse or unintended consequences. This will require overcoming political and economic barriers, balancing competing interests, and fostering a culture of global collaboration and shared responsibility. 
  • Overcoming technological barriers, resource constraints, and resistance from entrenched interests in the energy sector to accelerate the transition to decentralized, renewable energy sources and ensure their accessibility and affordability for all. This will involve significant investments in research and development, infrastructure upgrades, and policy reforms, as well as public education and engagement to build support for the transition. 
  • Shifting mindsets and restructuring economic and social systems to support the localized production of essential goods and services, while ensuring equitable access and participatory decision-making. This will require overcoming the inertia of centralized, globalized supply chains, as well as addressing concerns around efficiency, standardization, and economies of scale. It will also necessitate the development of new models of governance, ownership, and exchange that prioritize community well-being and resilience.

Core Elements of this World

Technology & Science

1. What is a major problem that AI (not AGI!) has solved in your world, and how did it do so?

Through a vast network of interconnected, specialized AI agents, each designed to excel in specific domains, we have dramatically reduced the costs and increased the efficiency of coordinating the production and provision of essential goods and services worldwide.  For instance, in the realm of healthcare, AI-powered diagnostic tools and personalized treatment planning systems have revolutionized the way we detect, prevent, and manage diseases. By analyzing vast amounts of medical data, these AI agents can identify patterns and risk factors that may be missed by human physicians, enabling earlier interventions and more targeted therapies. 

Similarly, in the domain of education, AI has enabled the development of adaptive learning systems that can tailor educational content and pedagogical approaches to the unique needs and learning styles of each student. By continually assessing a learner's progress, these AI agents can provide personalized feedback, recommend additional resources, and adjust the pace and difficulty of instruction, ensuring that every individual has the opportunity to reach their full potential. 

In the realm of energy and resource management, AI has been instrumental in optimizing the generation, distribution, and consumption of renewable energy sources. By analyzing real-time data from millions of sensors and devices, AI agents can predict energy demand, balance supply and demand, and minimize waste and inefficiencies in the system.

2. Why does AGI not exist?

In our world, AGI does not yet exist primarily because it has been discovered that for any given task, specialized AI models consistently outperform more general models. As a result, the competitive advantages and societal benefits of developing increasingly general AI systems have diminished over time. 

Instead, the focus has shifted towards creating "bounded" or "limited" AI agents that are designed to excel within specific domains and adhere to clearly defined rules and responsibilities. These agents are typically built upon large, pre-trained foundation models that serve as the "System 1" component of their decision-making process, providing swift and intuitive responses based on pattern recognition. The "System 2" component, which handles more deliberate, goal-directed reasoning, is then customized for each agent's specific role and objectives. 

While these foundation models continue to be refined and updated, the emphasis is on deploying constellations of specialized AI agents that can effectively coordinate and collaborate to solve complex problems and deliver essential goods and services at a global scale. As these agents have proven remarkably successful at enhancing productivity, reducing costs, and improving outcomes across various sectors, the impetus to develop AGI has gradually waned, giving way to a more pragmatic, application-driven approach to AI research and development. 

3. What are two new non-AI technologies that have played an important role in the development of your world?

Two non-AI technologies that have played a crucial role in shaping our world are advanced biotechnology and sustainable energy solutions. In the realm of biotech, breakthroughs in gene editing, personalized medicine, and regenerative therapies have revolutionized healthcare, enabling us to cure previously intractable diseases, extend healthspans, and enhance overall well-being. These advances have not only improved quality of life but also reduced the burden on healthcare systems and promoted greater social and economic equity. 

Simultaneously, the development and widespread adoption of sustainable energy technologies, such as advanced solar cells, next-generation batteries, and nuclear fusion reactors, have been instrumental in addressing the urgent challenge of climate change. By providing abundant, clean, and affordable energy, these innovations have facilitated the decarbonization of our economies, the electrification of transportation and industrial processes, and the creation of more resilient and self-sufficient communities. Together, these technologies have laid the foundation for a more sustainable, healthy, and prosperous future, one in which the benefits of scientific progress are shared by all. 

4. How does your world utilize technology and address potential coordination challenges and risks arising from the technologies you focus on?

In our world, we have recognized that the transformative potential of AI and other emerging technologies can only be realized if their development and deployment are guided by robust ethical principles, inclusive governance frameworks, and a commitment to global cooperation. To this end, we have established international bodies and multi-stakeholder initiatives that bring together governments, industry leaders, academic experts, and civil society representatives to collaborate on setting standards, sharing best practices, and addressing collective challenges. Moreover, we have invested heavily in public education and digital literacy programs to empower individuals and communities to participate meaningfully in the governance of these technologies. Through a combination of online platforms, citizen assemblies, and immersive simulations, we have fostered a culture of informed, active engagement in the decision-making processes that shape our technological future. 

By prioritizing inclusive, cooperative approaches to technological governance, grounded in shared values and a commitment to the common good, we have worked to mitigate risks, bridge divides, and ensure that the benefits of these powerful tools are distributed equitably across our global society. While challenges remain, our experience has shown that with creativity, compassion, and a willingness to work together, we can harness the potential of technology to build a better world for all.

Values & Community

1. How do people live, work, and interact in this hopeful future?

In our world, the majority of people live in vibrant, sustainable cities that have been designed to harmonize with nature and prioritize the well-being of their inhabitants. These cities seamlessly integrate advanced technologies, such as autonomous transportation systems and green infrastructure, to create efficient, resilient, and livable urban environments. 

Work in this future is characterized by a high degree of flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. Many people engage in meaningful, purpose-driven activities that align with their passions and skills, thanks in part to the security provided by universal basic income and services. Remote work and virtual collaboration are commonplace, enabled by sophisticated digital platforms and immersive communication technologies. 

Social interaction and community life are central to this future. Relationships in this future are marked by a deep sense of connection, empathy, and authenticity. People have more time and energy to devote to cultivating meaningful bonds with family, friends, and neighbors, as well as engaging in enriching social and cultural activities. The widespread availability of advanced physical and mental healthcare, coupled with a greater emphasis on emotional intelligence and well-being, has helped create a society that is more emotionally resilient, supportive, and fulfilling. 

2. What is a notable beneficial trend in this world and what is a trend many are concerned about?

One of the most notable beneficial trends in our world is the growing convergence of advanced technologies and social innovation to address global challenges and improve quality of life for all. From the widespread adoption of clean energy and sustainable production methods to the use of AI-powered platforms to enhance education, healthcare, and participatory governance, we have seen a remarkable surge in the development and deployment of solutions that benefit humanity as a whole. This trend has been driven by a shared commitment to the common good, a recognition of our interdependence, and a willingness to harness the power of technology in service of our highest aspirations. 

However, despite the many positive advancements, there is a growing concern about the increasing concentration of wealth and power in the hands of a small number of individuals and corporations. While universal basic income and services have helped to reduce poverty and ensure a basic standard of living for all, the gap between the ultra-wealthy and the rest of society has continued to widen. This has led to fears about the erosion of social cohesion, the undermining of democratic institutions, and the potential for economic and political instability.

3. Which of today’s values does society keep, which of today’s values does society expel, and which new values has this society added?

In our diverse and evolving world, society has held onto some of today's core values, such as the inherent worth and dignity of every human life, the importance of individual liberty and autonomy, and the pursuit of knowledge, creativity, and innovation for the betterment of humanity. These enduring values have provided a strong foundation for the more inclusive, compassionate, and enlightened global community we have cultivated. 

However, some of the more individualistic and materialistic values that were prevalent in the early 21st century have been gradually tapered down. The celebration of unbridled consumerism and the prioritization of short-term gains over long-term sustainability have been recognized as detrimental to social and ecological well-being. In their place, a new set of values has taken root, reflecting the emerging realities and aspirations of our transforming world. One of the most significant additions has been the emphasis on emotional intelligence and well-being as key components of a fulfilling life. Another crucial value that has gained prominence is the importance of community and social connection. 

Finally, the rapid pace of technological change has given rise to a new set of values around adaptability, lifelong learning, and responsible innovation. People are encouraged to embrace change and uncertainty as opportunities for growth and discovery, to continuously expand their knowledge and skills.

Economy & Institutions

1. What is a new or reformed institution that has played an important role in the development of your world?

One of the most influential institutions in the development of our world has been the transformed Wikimedia Foundation. Building on its long-standing commitment to free and open access to knowledge, the Foundation has evolved into a global hub for AI-assisted education, skill-building, and personal development. 

In partnership with a network of educational institutions, research centers, and community organizations, the Wikimedia Foundation has created a vast, interconnected ecosystem of learning resources, interactive platforms, and personalized support services. By leveraging advanced AI technologies to curate and deliver content tailored to each individual's needs, interests, and learning style, the Foundation has made high-quality education and training  accessible to people of all ages and backgrounds, regardless of their location or socioeconomic status. 

The Foundation's role extends beyond provision of educational content. It has become a trusted guide and companion for lifelong learning and personal growth, helping individuals navigate the complex landscape of skills, careers, and opportunities in an ever-changing world. Through its AI-powered mentorship programs, peer-to-peer learning communities, and immersive simulations, the Foundation empowers people to discover their passions, develop their talents, and chart their own paths to meaningful and fulfilling lives.

2. How has one sector of society been transformed by new technologies?

The transportation sector has undergone a profound transformation, driven by artificial intelligence, clean energy, and circular economy principles, transitioning to sustainable, equitable, and intelligent mobility. 

At its core is a network of AI-powered, autonomous electric vehicles providing safe, efficient, and affordable transportation, optimizing routes, reducing congestion, and adapting to users' needs. These vehicles, powered by advanced batteries, offer a seamless, convenient, and environmentally friendly solution for shared rides to work, door-to-door deliveries, or long-distance trips. 

Furthermore, the transportation infrastructure supports a circular economy, with sustainable sourcing of materials, reuse and recycling of components, and renewable energy generation. This ensures resource conservation, waste reduction, and value creation at every lifecycle stage. Peak energy usage and congestion is optimized throughout the day, and the recourses are extended across the globe. 

Moreover, the benefits of this system are distributed equitably, with shared mobility services and integration with sectors like healthcare and education ensuring access for all, regardless of income or ability. This holistic approach has improved quality of life, social cohesion, and economic participation, making the transportation sector a beacon of sustainability and inclusivity.

3. How have the following branches of economics evolved, and what are their current roles?

Microeconomics (individuals and organizations)

In the realm of microeconomics, the distinction between individuals, AI agents, and organizations has become increasingly blurred, as all three types of entities are now seen as potential contributors to value creation and exchange. The widespread adoption of decentralized, AI-mediated platforms for production, distribution, and consumption has given rise to a more fluid, meritocratic, and collaborative economic landscape, in which individuals and small groups can easily come together to develop and share ideas, skills, and resources. At the same time, the provision of universal basic income and services has provided a strong safety net and a foundation for individual autonomy and creativity, enabling people to pursue their passions and engage in meaningful work without fear of poverty or insecurity.

Macroeconomics (nation-state level – if it still exists)

At the macroeconomic level, the role of the nation-state has evolved from being the primary driver of economic policy and the provider of public goods to being a facilitator and regulator of a more decentralized, networked, and participatory economic system. Governments now focus on setting the rules and standards for fair competition, ensuring the protection of individual rights and the environment, and investing in the critical infrastructure and services that enable the smooth functioning of the economy. At the same time, the rise of local and regional economies, organized around principles of self-sufficiency, circularity, and regeneration, has created a more diverse and resilient economic landscape, less vulnerable to global shocks and disruptions.

Global Political Economy (global economic policies and geopolitics)

In the global political economy, power has become more distributed among a variety of state and non-state actors, including multinational corporations, city networks, civil society organizations, and decentralized autonomous entities. The increasing importance of global public goods, such as climate stability, public health, and knowledge commons, has given rise to new forms of multi-stakeholder governance and cooperation, often facilitated by advanced AI systems for decision-making, resource allocation, and impact assessment. At the same time, the shift towards a more localized, circular, and regenerative economic paradigm has reduced the overall intensity of global competition for resources and markets, as well as the geopolitical tensions and conflicts associated with it.

A day in the life

Lila woke up in her eco-friendly apartment, shared with her romantic partner and AI companion, Aria. "Good morning, Lila!" Aria chimed. "I've prepared a nourishing breakfast using locally sourced ingredients. It's ready whenever you are." After a refreshing shower, Lila enjoyed her breakfast while reviewing her personalized learning path. She began her day with a virtual reality design session, collaborating with her global team on a new line of sustainable, smart textiles. 

Mid-morning, Lila took a break for an old-fashioned in person yoga class. She enjoyed practicing yoga outside in the gardens. The smells of flowers, trees, and grass, all mingled with the warm glow from the mid-morning sun. As she finished her session, an incoming call from her mentor, Raj, lit up her wrist display but she answered from her smart contacts. Raj's face appeared, his warm smile lines wrinkling around his eyes. "Lila, my dear! I wanted to check in on your progress with the circular economy workshop. How's it going? What’s the latest from your fellow explorers?" 

Lila grinned, "Raj! It's fantastic. I'm learning about integrating biomaterials into my designs. I can't wait to share my ideas with you." 

Raj nodded approvingly, "Wonderful! I'm always here if you need any guidance. Keep up the great work!" They signed off, and Lila continued her learning journey, feeling inspired and supported. 

For lunch, Lila visited a nearby food co-op. She used the back entrance as always, as the sensors on the door were still broken and there was some trash scattered around the entryway. As she enjoyed her nutrient-optimized bowl, her friend Adebayo called. "Lila! I hope I'm not interrupting," his rich, warm voice filled the air. "Not at all, Adebayo! It's great to hear from you. How's the AI-assisted pest control system working out?" 

Adebayo's excitement was palpable, "It's incredible! We've been able to significantly reduce crop damage without harming the ecosystem. I'm so grateful for the support of our global ag-tech community." They chatted for a few minutes, sharing updates and ideas. Lila marveled at the world they lived in - a world where technology brought people together, no matter the distance. 

In the early afternoon, Lila participated in an AI-facilitated vote on a proposed urban biodiversity initiative. As she explored the immersive simulation, a ping from her artist friend, Gina, popped up. "Lila, have you seen the latest neuroaesthetics research? It's fascinating!" Lila smiled; Gina's enthusiasm was contagious. "I haven't yet! Send it over, and let's discuss it during our weekly creative jam session. I can't wait to see how we might apply it in our work." Gina's holographic avatar bounced with excitement, "Absolutely! I'll see you then. Prepare to have your mind blown!" 

Later in the afternoon, Lila met up with Adebayo and Gina at the community center for the AI-facilitated decision-making process on the proposed urban biodiversity initiative. As they entered the immersive simulation chamber, Raj joined them virtually, his holographic form coalescing beside them. 

"Alright, team," Raj grinned, "let's dive in and see what this proposal is all about!" The chamber transformed into a lush, vibrant cityscape, teeming with diverse flora and fauna. Lila marveled at the intricate eco-bridges connecting buildings, the verdant green walls, and the crystal-clear streams flowing through the streets. 

An AI guide appeared, welcoming them to the simulation. "Today, you'll be exploring the proposed Urban Biodiversity Initiative. You'll have the opportunity to interact with the environment, test different policy choices, and see their long-term impacts on the city's ecology, economy, and social well-being." 

Lila and her friends exchanged excited glances, eager to begin. They split up, each taking a different aspect of the proposal to investigate. 

Adebayo focused on the urban agriculture component, experimenting with various vertical farming techniques and community garden layouts. He watched as the simulation projected the impacts on food security, local employment, and carbon sequestration. 

Gina delved into the arts and culture section, exploring how the initiative would create new spaces for public art installations, ecological education programs, and community gatherings. She saw how these investments strengthened social bonds and fostered a sense of shared stewardship for the environment. 

Raj immersed himself in the data on public health and well-being, tracking how increased access to green spaces and improved air quality led to better physical and mental health outcomes across the population. 

Lila investigated the biodiversity conservation measures, testing different approaches to habitat restoration, wildlife corridors, and native species protection. She watched in awe as the simulation showed endangered species populations rebounding and ecosystems flourishing over time. The research community had significantly progressed not only with help from specialized AI tools, but also with the now deeply established norms of data sharing and open access publishing. 

As the simulation drew to a close, the friends reconvened to discuss their findings and perspectives. They engaged in a thoughtful discussion, weighing the benefits and potential challenges of each policy choice.

Gina spoke passionately about the cultural value of integrating nature into the urban fabric, while Adebayo emphasized the importance of ensuring equitable access to the benefits of urban greening. Raj highlighted the long-term health and resilience gains, and Lila stressed the moral imperative of protecting and restoring biodiversity. 

With a deeper understanding of the complexities and possibilities, the friends submitted their individual preferences through the AI interface. They knew their input would be aggregated with thousands of other residents, feeding into a collective decision-making process that balanced diverse needs and priorities. 

Shortly after their simulation session, while on her brief walk home Raj's hologram flickered up from her wrist, signaling an incoming message. She sent the message to her smart contacts "Ah, it looks like the results are already in! The initiative passed with an 83% approval rate. Congratulations, everyone! We just took a big step towards a greener, more vibrant New Eden." 

In the evening, Lila and her partner hosted a dinner party in their building's communal dining space. As they enjoyed the locally sourced feast, the conversation flowed seamlessly from art to science to community initiatives. 

Adebayo chimed in, "Speaking of the future, have you all seen the plans for the new community-owned vertical farm? It's going to be a game-changer for local food production." Gina's eyes sparkled, "And don't forget the upcoming arts festival! The AI-generated installations are going to be mind-blowing. We're pushing the boundaries of what's possible with technology and creativity." 

As the night wound down, Lila reflected on the incredible people in her life - mentors, collaborators, and friends who shared her passion for building a better world. She felt grateful for the technology that enabled these connections, amplifying their collective potential.


2025: Global AI Governance Summit

Global AI Governance Summit establishes international guidelines and ethical frameworks for the development and deployment of bounded AI systems.

2030: Universal Basic Income (UBI) and Universal Basic Services (UBS) programs

Universal Basic Income (UBI) and Universal Basic Services (UBS) programs, managed by transparent AI systems, are implemented in several countries, ensuring equitable access to resources and opportunities.

2032: Decentralized, AI-facilitated participatory democracy platforms gain widespread adoption

Decentralized, AI-facilitated participatory democracy platforms gain widespread adoption, enabling citizens to engage meaningfully in decision-making processes at local, national, and global levels.

2036: International treaty on AI safety and transparency is signed by all major world powers.

International treaty on AI safety and transparency is signed by all major world powers, establishing robust mechanisms for monitoring and regulating the development and deployment of AI systems.

2038: Breakthroughs in AI-driven clean energy technologies and decentralized smart grids. Advances in AI-guided precision agriculture and vertical farming revolutionize local food production

Breakthroughs in AI-driven clean energy technologies and decentralized smart grids enable a rapid transition to 100% renewable energy in many countries. Advances in AI-guided precision agriculture and vertical farming revolutionize local food production, enhancing food security and resilience in communities worldwide.

2040: Global initiative to create a circular economy powered by AI-optimized resource management

Global initiative to create a circular economy powered by AI-optimized resource management and local, sustainable production achieves significant milestones in reducing waste and environmental impact.

2042: AI-assisted personalized education and skill-building platforms, accessible to all

AI-assisted personalized education and skill-building platforms, accessible to all, lead to a surge in creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship in local communities around the world.

2045: 90% of the global population now lives in AI-enhanced eco-cities

90% of the global population now lives in AI-enhanced eco-cities that prioritize participatory governance, sustainable local production, and the well-being of both human and non-human stakeholders. Advances in synthetic biology suggest another major transformation on the horizon