
Existential Hope Hackathon Winners | The Flourishing Foundation

about the episode

Intelligence stands as perhaps the most crucial factor in human progress. We've evolved from cave dwellers to inhabitants of modern homes with electricity and clean water, enjoying a quality of life our ancestors could scarcely have imagined. Yet intelligence also poses significant risks – it's given us both nuclear energy and nuclear weapons.

The advent of transformative AI could magnify both the benefits and dangers of intelligence. Unlike the gradual emergence of human intelligence, we have a unique opportunity to influence AI's development. This raises important questions: What societal goals could AI help us achieve? What existing institutions are relevant to this endeavor? How can we learn from their strengths and weaknesses to create better institutions for harnessing transformative AI's potential?

To address these questions, Foresight Institute and the Future of Life Institute convened leading experts in AI, policy, law, economics, and related fields for a two-day event this spring: the Existential Hope Transformative AI Institution Design Hackathon. The event aimed to design institutions capable of guiding transformative AI development for humanity's benefit. Proposed institutions were evaluated based on feasibility, practicality, and potential positive impact. For more details on the hackathon's procedures and outcomes, please refer to our comprehensive report.

About Xhope scenario

Xhope scenario

Existential Hope Hackathon Winners
Listen to the Existential Hope podcast
Learn about this science

About the Scientist

Amanda Ngo, Chiara Gerosa, Jelena Luketina, Mingzhu He



About the artpiece

DALL-E 3 is a GenAI tool by OpenAI.


About xhope scenario

The Flourishing Foundation is an independent innovation lab that tackles the question: can AI make us happier? Their mission is to ensure that powerful new technologies like AI benefit humanity and the planet.

This interdisciplinary group of scientists, designers, engineers, and artists believe technology should strengthen our connections - to ourselves, each other, and the natural world. They advocate for "life-giving" economic systems, arguing that deploying AI within current economic structures won't necessarily improve well-being.

The Flourishing Foundation takes a systems-thinking and life-centric design approach. Here's how:

  1. Operationalize Research: Translate interdisciplinary research into knowledge frameworks that better guide conscious technology creation: e.g. alternative well-being based success metric for consumer tech products and services other than “engagement”.
  2. Incubate Products: Provide holistic and hands-on support for innovators to design and run experiments with a focus on conscious/humane use of transformative technologies: e.g. AI-enabled solutions for elderly care and family connection.
  1. Build Movement: Build awareness by mobilizing innovator communities to channel their creative energy towards conscious tech creation: e.g. weekly meetups, quarterly build days, and symposiums.




Concept of AI and Human Alignment

  • The proposal emphasizes the importance of aligning AI with human and ecological intent to ensure technology contributes positively to human and planetary well-being.
  • The guest calls for a focus not just on AI-human alignment but also on human alignment, urging introspection and connection with natural cycles.
  • There is a concern about existing societal polarization and a meaning crisis, underscoring the need to address these alignment issues.

"We think it's equally important to consider AI-human alignment as it is to consider human alignment."

Goals of the Flourishing Foundation

  • The proposal aims to transition towards a well-being economy where technology enhances human vitality rather than depleting it.
  • The team is concerned about the mismatch between material abundance and people's stagnating social, emotional, and spiritual wellness.
  • They highlight the inadequacy of current success metrics, like GDP and engagement, in reflecting true well-being.

"GDP going up doesn't necessarily mean wellness improves."

Proposed Changes in Measuring Success

  • A key lever of change is shifting how success is measured in consumer technology, moving towards metrics that align with wellness.
  • The guest discusses the importance of translating academic research on wellness into applicable consumer technology.
  • The proposal seeks to close the gap between research findings and real-world products that genuinely enhance well-being.

"We want to create an institution to support the transition towards a more holistic understanding of success."

Collaborative Approach to Building a New System

  • The team is focusing on a collaborative, emergent, and nurturing approach to building a new system rather than maximizing utility as seen in the old economic system.
  • They recognize the altruistic and compassionate nature of humans, acknowledging that they are also messy, which is being incorporated into their everyday work.

"We're not agents that maximize our utility, but we're altruistic, compassionate humans that are also messy."

Translational Research Piece on Behavioral Health

  • The team is partnering with behavioral scientists on a Behavioral Health certification and labeling project that began during the pandemic.
  • They aim to equate behavioral health with medical health by creating trials—similar to medical trials—to produce a nutritional label for behavioral health metrics, informing consumers and aiding in product trials.
  • This framework is intended to guide consumers, product designers, and policymakers in making informed decisions in behavioral health.

"We're designing a dynamic system that can be used by consumers to inform their purchases, by product makers for design, and by policymakers to regulate the industry."

Product Incubation and Educational Offerings

  • Their product incubation efforts since February have attracted one to three speakers per week who are interested in using a conscious and flourishing lens for product development.
  • Projects range from AI for senior wellness to technologies interfacing heart rate and brainwaves for interactive media arts.
  • An educational component focusing on systems and human-centered design aims to aid younger entrepreneurs and innovators in aligning their work with systemic challenges, labeled as "founder opportunity fit."

"We've had a gamut of products that are either internally incubated or from global partners such as the UK or Australia."

Community Experiments and Flourishing Foundation

  • They are experimenting with creating educational offerings around systemic challenges through initiatives like "complexity and coffee" in Minnesota.
  • The goal is to replicate this community-driven model and promote a wellness economy through shared values and research insights, targeting new institutions' creation.
  • They're involved with a core conscious tech collective community in San Francisco and a behavioral tech collective in Thailand, collaborating on experimental approaches to the wellness economy.

"We're turning a group discussion into an educational offering that can be replicated in different places."

Diverse Approaches and Collaborations in Conscious Technology

  • The team acknowledges that theirs is just one approach towards achieving a wellness-based economy and highlights the need for various institutions to evolve and political action to occur.
  • They are inspired by other organizations like the Center for Humane Tech and Compassion 2.0, which share similar values and goals, enriching the conscious technology field through diverse methods.

"This is one approach to move towards a wellness-based economy—many things need to change politically, socially, and economically."

Collaboration with Prospective Organizations and Innovators

  • The focus is on organizations excelling in well-being metrics and other related fields. Notable entities include Building Age and Meaning Alignment Foundation, which evaluate companies based on well-being metrics.
  • Various organizations are working in distinct ways, whether through research, innovation, or political advocacy, to achieve their objectives.
  • The aim is to collaborate effectively by supporting innovators through open exploration and assisting them from idea inception to realization.
  • Plans include expanding support through incubation initiatives or continuous support networks like weekly support sessions and daily one-on-one engagements.

"We are excited about supporting innovators with open exploration and helping them from idea to creation."

Concept of a Flourishing Certification

  • Research is underway to replace singular product success metrics like engagement with holistic measures, assessing how products support users' goals.
  • There is a focus on creating dynamic labeling systems akin to nutritional labels. These labels will reflect how well products help users meet wellness goals.
  • The vision includes an adaptive product feedback system, allowing changes based on personal progression and goals, similar to therapeutic approaches in Chinese medicine.
  • The output should integrate real user experiences rather than rely solely on expert panels to ascertain product impacts on well-being.
  • Feedback channels will be developed to inform product makers, moving beyond biased user research teams, and empower consumers through informed product choices.

"We want to look at more holistic metrics and hopefully lead to a dynamic labeling system like nutritional labels."

Incorporating Technology Positively for Well-being

  • There's a need to transform the negative connotations associated with technology by showcasing its existentially positive potential.
  • Advocacy exists for techno-optimism complemented with human skepticism to ensure technology serves human wellness rather than encourage disconnection.
  • Alternatives to dystopian computing futures are explored such as ambient computing, which places technology in the background to support integrated, calm human experiences.
  • The concept of ambient computing emphasizes a transition from the Quantified Self movement to more seamless technological integrations that enhance well-being without overt presence.

"We definitely want to advocate for a future where something different like ambient computing helps calm and integrate our nervous systems."

AI's Role in Human Support and Well-being

  • The hackathon explored transformative AI's potential to benefit humans while managing its risks. They emphasized that AI need not replace human relationships, like being a therapist or friend, but can play a crucial role in coordinating and enhancing family and community connections.
  • The urgency is felt in ensuring AI aligns with human-centered values rather than existing profit-driven incentives, which often lead to negative outcomes.

"AI doesn't have to replace humans as girlfriends or therapists; it can play a critical role in coordinating the family and connecting with each other."

Positive Potential of AI and Risk Considerations

  • AI offers opportunities for liberating humans, allowing them to focus more on being human. It can tackle tasks and solve problems that historically relied on human labor before technological solutions were available.
  • AI's ability to handle large datasets could revolutionize understanding human cognition, as demonstrated with breakthroughs in consumer neurotechnology like for ADHD.

"For every problem that we didn’t have machines for, we have used humans. This has been true since slavery and women taking domestic roles until technology like dishwashers came along."

Challenges in AI-Driven Future and Infrastructure Needs

  • AI could play a supportive role in tasks requiring precision and repetitive processes, enhancing human creativity rather than replacing it. AI's potential is vast in co-creating designs, shaping environments, and improving social systems.
  • Key hurdles include the existing market infrastructure not supporting innovative AI-driven products, particularly those focused on social wellbeing and healing.

"AI generates ideas; it doesn't replace human creativity but jumpstarts that process."

Systemic Obstacles in Technology-Driven Well-being Enhancement

  • The underlying economic structure, which prioritizes capital accumulation as an end goal, poses significant challenges to enhancing human well-being. There is a disconnect between market value and genuine human goals like love, belonging, and self-actualization.
  • Efforts are needed to align products and services with human values and market demands, for instance, by valuing care work economically, which the market currently struggles with.

"No one wakes up saying, 'I want to accumulate more things to accumulate more things.' It's always towards some deeper human need."

Creating Safe Spaces for Creative Expression

  • The speaker discusses the importance of creating environments, or "safe containers," where individuals can freely engage in creative expression and exploration. Currently, this is seen as a luxury available mainly to privileged individuals, such as those in San Francisco who have financial stability and time to realign with their creative pursuits.
  • The goal is to transform this creative opportunity into a fundamental human right, allowing people to exist and express their humanity without the constant pressure to perform or produce for economic gains.
  • Initiatives such as fellowship programs, incubators, and communities aim to create spaces where open exploration can flourish without the pressures of product development or meeting financial goals.

"Our ability to just be human without constantly doing should be a human right."

Circular Human and Planet Flourishing

  • The speaker proposes a shift from a linear economic model, where capital drives technological development often at the expense of human and planetary health, to a circular system that prioritizes authentic human values and supports sustainable development.
  • A significant blockage to this shift is our survival-oriented mindset, which can be overcome by intentionally reorienting societal structures and education systems towards abundance and well-being. This includes redefining what is considered valuable in our society.
  • Education, specifically emphasizing human-centered design, is seen as crucial for restructuring mindsets and achieving a more abundant and fulfilling future.

"Our brains are wired for survival, not abundance, and that's a historical fact."

Addressing Global Inequalities and Collective Flourishing

  • The speaker highlights a personal conflict between staying in San Francisco and engaging with global humanitarian efforts, emphasizing the importance of addressing global inequalities.
  • They stress the necessity of creating connections and support systems that help developing countries catch up in areas such as education and workforce readiness, especially in the face of technological advancements like AI.
  • Bridging cultural gaps and facilitating knowledge sharing are vital in fostering social and economic development worldwide. The collaboration between diverse regions is seen as a way to integrate wisdom across cultures.

"I've always found myself in positions of bridging gaps and bringing together knowledge and wisdom."

Future Vision for the Flourishing Foundation

  • The vision for the Flourishing Foundation in the next five to ten years includes continuing to run experiments and conduct open explorations, fully supporting true open exploration and experimentation. The Foundation aims to excel in translational research and incubate impactful products and services.
  • The vision includes a built-out infrastructure that could evolve into an innovation lab, venture studio, or a network of such entities. This would mirror organizations like the MIT Media Lab, where multiple groups work on exciting projects under a common umbrella.
  • There is a significant focus on contributing to the culture of creating AI and transformative technology to support human flourishing, helping normalize and build a culture that embodies humane and consciously made technology.
  • The goal is for society to take for granted that technology should naturally support human well-being, akin to how fundamental rights, which were once revolutionary, are viewed today.

"We need to be open to what our creations become, much like the transformative shifts in rights and technology."

Engaging with Technology Supporting Human Flourishing

  • The advice for those looking to contribute to a technology-led future that supports human and planetary well-being is to get hands-on and start small grassroots initiatives. Joining or forming groups with like-minded individuals can help propagate ideas that drive positive change.
  • Individuals are encouraged to take action, no matter how small, and start developing their own theses on how they can uniquely impact the field based on their backgrounds.
  • The community is open and inviting, offering various opportunities for engagement, such as weekly meetings, WhatsApp groups, and Thursday product maker support groups for active creators.
  • The Foundation is organizing "build days" and conferences with a focus on wellness, AI, and evolving technology, inviting individuals to participate, share resources, and collaborate on projects.

"Get hands-on and start grassroots initiatives to contribute to a future where technology supports human and planetary well-being."

Community Involvement and Resource Building

  • The organization functions with limited resources, often seeking financial support, as it remains abundant in many other areas. Building links with similar communities and trading resources are emphasized.
  • The community leaders' support group helps foster resource sharing and joint projects within the ecosystem. Attendance at gatherings and joining initiatives are encouraged for synergy and innovation.

"We are abundant in many things except financial resources, and we welcome support."

Jumpstarting Progress through the Hackathon

  • The hackathon is designed to act as a catalyst, accelerating progress and innovation. The intention is to create a significant boost in the development and implementation of new ideas.
  • The organizers expressed satisfaction with the impactful and dynamic environment that the hackathon was able to produce.

"We're jumpstarting, we're catalyzing a lot of progress to happen."

Summary from youtubesummarized.com

