
Think about the possibilities if resources, cost and environmental impact were no barriers to what we could build.

Nanotechnology is about building things from the bottom up, at the molecular level. This approach could revolutionize medicine by delivering drugs directly to cells or help us with current environmental challenges, such as reducing waste, improving energy efficiency, and developing cleaner production processes. In a world defined by molecular manufacturing, we can create new materials, devices, and machines with enhanced properties, leading to an economically abundant future and the potential for space exploration.

Learn all about nanotech by clicking the "Intro" node, understand potential risks by clicking the "Risks" node, discover the most hopeful scenarios by clicking the "Hope" node and find out how to get involved under "Action" node.



Nanotech: Atomic-Scale Manufacturing

Nanotech: Atomic-Scale Manufacturing

Nanotech: Atomic-Scale Manufacturing


Organizations and Projects

  • Foresight Molecular Machines Program and the annual Feynman Prizes - Foresight Institute’s nanotechnology programs, including fellowships, prizes and workshops to support progress in this domain. Website/Blog
  • Institute for Molecular Manufacturing - Conducting and catalyzing research on Atomically Precise Manufacturing. Organization/project‍
  • Zyvex Labs - Developing ‘Atomically Precise Manufacturing’ to create society-changing devices—devices in which control of the location of individual atoms at the single-lattice-site level yields unprecedented capabilities. Organization/project